Saturday, December 22, 2012

Animation Final

Finally! It's my final project. This took me about five hours, 77 frames (drawings), and I watched a lot of Michael Jackson videos for reference.

Friday, December 7, 2012


I think everyone who reads this blog probably already knows this, but I am hoping to be an animation major in college. Right now I am in intro to 2D animation, and I recently finished my bouncing ball project. I made a ball bounce. On paper. Crazy! Anyways, here it is. My final project is making a sack of flour dance. If it goes well, I will post that too.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Free Expression Board

Being an artist is hard, mostly because everyone says "Wow, you are such a good artist. I wish I could draw/paint/make t-shirts/have cool hair etc." When someone makes this comment, I usually respond, "Everyone is an artist, because art is so subjective that no one actually knows what the definition of art is." After I make this comment, they usually continue to say that they are a terrible artist but I stand firm in my belief that everyone is an artist because no one knows what good art is. I would like to say that all the girls on my floor are phenomenal artists, as shown by my Free Expression Board in my room. All I did was hang up a poster and write on it "Kim's Room Message Board." All the girls on my floor did the rest. Check out this amazing street art. To all my favorite girls out there, keep up the good work because we are amazing artists.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hinckley Hotties

My dorm floor made matching t-shirts, because we are just that cool. I made a stencil for the front, and then we all decorated the backs ourselves. I think we look pretty hot.

Photography 116

It has been a long time since I blogged. That's because I go to college, and I'm supposed to be studying or doing homework or something. Also, I don't have the resources to be really creative at college. Well, I do have a bunch of sharpies, some posters, and sticky tack. What more do I need?
Anyway, right now I'm in Photography 116, or intro to photography. I've taken some good pictures, and some bad ones, and some in between. Here are my favorites:

Thursday, June 28, 2012

That's What Makes You Beautiful

I just got back from the One Direction concert in Charlotte! It was AWESOME! The boys were fantastic. They are amazing singers and they are so funny. They were singing to a stuffed animal cat that someone threw on the stage, and they tried to talk in southern accents!
I went with my three friends and we all made t shirts for the concert. One said "Come in my One Direction". The others had song lyrics on them. One had the Superman symbol and said, "I can't be no superman, but for you I'll be superhuman" and the other one said "Niall, we are the same." Mine said "I stole a car so we can drive to the stars." I tie dyed it to look like the British flag, and I also put glow in the dark stars on it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I like big BOOKS and I cannot lie

I realized I haven't posted in a while. Sorry if you actually read my blog. A project I recently worked on was a graduation present for my best friend. I got a plain white tote bag and used puffy paint to write "I like big books and I cannot lie". HAHAHA. Get it? I think she liked it. I forgot to take a picture of it before I gave it to her, so no picture on the blog.